University of Oxford
13th – 14th September 2012

Meeting Presentations
The following presentations were made at the meeting and are available for download –
- An Introduction and Overview of KNOO and the UK-India Collaborations – Professor Robin Grimes
- DIAMOND – Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Management of Nuclear waste for Disposal – Professor Mike Fairweather
- BANDD – Biogeochemical Application in Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Disposal – Dr Jo Renshaw
- PROMINENT – Performance and Reliability Of Metallic Materials for Nuclear Fission Power Generation – Profesor Mike Fitzpatrick
- BIGRAD – BIogeochemical Gradients and Radionuclide transport– Professor Katherine Morris
- MBASE – a University of Manchester project in collaboration with the National Nuclear Laboratory, Amec and Idaho National Laboratory in the USA on the Molecular Basis of Advanced Nuclear Fuel Separations – Professor Francis Livens
- Nuclear Data – a collaboration of the Universities of Manchester, Surrey and York on Fission Yields, Decay Heat and Neutron Reaction Cross Sections – Professor Paddy Regan
- Nuclear Graphite Expert Group at The University of Manchester – Dr Abbie Jones
- National Nuclear Users Facility – Professor Andrew Sherry and Professor Chris Grovenor
- Third Party Access to the National Nuclear Laboratory – Bob Williamson
SWOT Analyses
The meeting attendees chose to join one of five groups, each group carrying out a SWOT analysis of an area. Click on the links below to see the result of the five SWOT analyses:
- Environmental and Geological Disposal
- Fuel Materials and Reprocessing
- Future Systems
- Reactor Operations Control and Instrumentation
- Structural Materials
- Wasteforms and Decommissioning
Grand Challenges
In the second part of the meeting, following discussion of the SWOT results, the six groups re-formed and identified the Grand Challenges for each area. These are reported at the links below.