EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Nuclear Energy Futures (NEF CDT)
EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Fusion Power (Fusion CDT)
Nuclear Threat Reduction Network (NTR-Net)
Research Consortia:
Mechanistic Understanding of Irradiation Damage in Fuel Assemblies (MIDAS)
National Nuclear Users’ Facility (NNUF)
Mathematical Theory of Radiation Transport: Nuclear Technology Frontiers (MATHRAD)
Synergistic Utilisation of Informatics and Data-centric Integrity Engineering (SINDRI)
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear (RAIN/RAIco)
Collaborative Research Project on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics (CCP-NTH)
Uranics Innovation Centre
Neutron Irradiation of Advanced Steels (NEURONE)
If you would like a consortium or group highlighting please contact j.tate@imperial.ac.uk