
4-5th September 2024: University of Manchester.

Registration is now open for the 2024 Nuclear Academics Discussion Meeting.

The event will be held in Manchester, Engineering Room A, University of Manchester.

The Nuclear Universities Consortium for Learning, Engagement and Research (NUCLEAR) is funded by the EPSRC to:

  • Widen academic and industrial collaboration and enhance knowledge transfer
  • Facilitate access to unique nuclear research facilities in the UK and overseas
  • Support Government, Regulator, Industry and Academia in the development of nuclear programmes
  • Promote the UK capability and knowledge internationally

The NUCLEAR group is responsible for organising national meetings to support the nuclear universities in the UK by –

  • Community Building through
    • Responding to opportunities
    • Developing research themes
    • Identifying new research opportunities
  • Providing Support to Stakeholders on
    • Government initiatives
    • Industry needs
    • Regulatory issues
    • University research councils
  • University research programmes and promoting International Opportunities for
    • Provision of training
    • Research programmes
    • Foreign and Commonwealth Office initiatives
    • Collaborative programmes

Further details on the NUCLEAR Academic Discussion Meetings can be found here.